
عملاء سعداء
موثوق به في كندا
منذ عام 2016
وفر ما يصل
إلى 30٪
EU-based &
Certified Organic
5+ months
الملفات / شارة-100_satisfaction.png
100٪ ضمان الرضا

يمكن أن يكون الأطفال صعب الإرضاء في تناول الطعام ، خاصة عندما يجربون تركيبة جديدة. إذا لم تكن أنت أو طفلك راضيا بنسبة 100٪ لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فستتلقى رصيدا في المتجر لوحدة واحدة لتجربة علامة تجارية أخرى. سنساعدك أيضا في العثور على الخيار الصحيح.

HiPP Organic Porridge Cereal 100% Oats - German (200 gr.)

from $10.49
حزمة ، اشترك ووفر حتى 30٪
Welcome to the wholesome world of Hipp 100% Hafer, the perfect choice for introducing your little one to the wonderful world of solid foods. Specially designed for infants from 5 months old, this oat porridge is crafted from 100% pure, natural oats, ensuring a smooth and gentle introduction to solids. With a naturally creamy texture that's easy to swallow and digest, it's ideal for tiny tummies making their first foray into solid foods.
    • European Organic: Crafted from 100% organic oats, ensuring there is no exposure to synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
    • Nutrient-Rich Growth: As your child grows, Hipp 100% Hafer continues to provide a fiber-rich meal that supports healthy digestion and sustained energy.
    • Pure and Safe: Free from added sugars, artificial flavors, and preservatives, offering peace of mind to health-conscious parents.
    • Easy and Versatile: Simple to prepare, mixable with breast milk, formula, or water, and adaptable to include fruits or vegetables for varied, nutritious meals.
متوفر في المخزون

التوصيل خلال 3-7 أيام عمل - توصيل مجاني ل 4 عبوات وما فوق

الملفات / شارة-100_satisfaction.png
100٪ ضمان الرضا

يمكن أن يكون الأطفال صعب الإرضاء في تناول الطعام ، خاصة عندما يجربون تركيبة جديدة. إذا لم تكن أنت أو طفلك راضيا بنسبة 100٪ لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فستتلقى رصيدا في المتجر لوحدة واحدة لتجربة علامة تجارية أخرى. سنساعدك أيضا في العثور على الخيار الصحيح.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies. If breastfeeding isn't possible, or a top-up is needed, then organic formula is a safe alternative. All our products meet EU standards. It is the responsibility of our customers to check if the products meet the standards of their own local market. When in doubt, consult your pediatrician.

Why Choose HiPP 5 Grain Porridge?

Choose HiPP 5 Grain Porridge for its organic, soy-free, and non-GMO ingredients, offering a nutritious blend of whole grains ideal for supporting a baby’s growth and digestive health.
100٪ عضوي معتمد
جميع المكونات المزروعة في التربة والمنتجة مع الحيوانات الخالية من المبيدات الحشرية ومبيدات الأعشاب والأسمدة الاصطناعية والهرمونات والمضادات الحيوية. تم اختباره من قبل الحكومة وطرف ثالث.
معتمد وفقا للمعايير الأوروبية
تلتزم بالمعايير العضوية الأوروبية الصارمة لإنتاج الغذاء المستدام ، خالية من المحليات المكررة والمبيدات الحشرية والكائنات المعدلة وراثيا.
بدون شراب الذرة أو السكر المضاف
خالية من المحليات المكررة ، بما في ذلك شراب الذرة والسكروز. سيحصل طفلك على السعرات الحرارية التي يحتاجها من سكريات الحليب الطبيعية.
100٪ خالية من الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا
تركيبات غير معدلة وراثيا مصنعة في الاتحاد الأوروبي وفقا لأعلى المعايير العالمية للكائنات المعدلة وراثيا.
خال من الصويا
خالية تماما من المكونات القائمة على فول الصويا. مثالي للخدج والأطفال المعرضين بشكل خاص للحساسية وعدم تحمل الطعام.
خال من مالتوديكسترين
لا يحتوي على أي مالتوديكسترين - نشا مشتق من النباتات يحتوي على نسبة عالية من مؤشر نسبة السكر في الدم. مثالي للآباء والأمهات الذين يهتمون بالمحليات المصنعة.

اشتر المزيد. وفر أكثر.


12 قطعة

$149.88 ($12.49 each)
اشترك ووفر
Get an extra 5% ($7.49) off with a subscription. Cancel anytime.
أفضل قيمة

30 pack

$314.70 ($10.49 each)
اشترك ووفر
Get an extra 5% ($15.73) off with a subscription. Cancel anytime.

اختر الكمية

$80.94 (save $27.00)
اشترك ووفر
Get an extra 5% ($4.04) off with a subscription. Cancel anytime.
يتم استبعاد المرحلة PRE والمرحلة 1 من الأسعار الترويجية أو الخصومات. قد تنخفض الأسعار بسبب الاقتصادات
من الحجم في الوفاء ، والتعامل مع الطرود والتوزيع.

Why Moms and Babies Love HiPP Organic Porridge Cereal 100% Oats?

    🌾 Gluten-Free, with 100% Organic Oats: Pure, natural ingredients free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

    🌱 Nutrient-Rich: High in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber for healthy growth and development.

    🥣 Versatile Preparation: Mix with water, milk, or breast milk for customized feeding options.

    🚫 No Added Sugars: Promotes a healthy start without unnecessary sweetness.

    👶 Easy to Digest: Gentle on young digestive systems, suitable for babies from 5 months onward.

    🌍 European Certified Organic: Meets strict organic standards, ensuring no harmful chemicals.

    🌟 Non-GMO: Made with non-genetically modified ingredients for natural nutrition.

    🎨 No Artificial Additives: Free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.

    💪 Supports Development: Provides a balanced mix of nutrients to aid physical and cognitive development.

    🇩🇪 Trusted Quality: Produced in Germany, renowned for its high standards in baby food.


آراء العملاء

بناءا على هذا العدد من التقييمات 1
Sepideh Kamalzare

HiPP Organic Porridge Cereal 100% Oats - German (200 gr.)

100٪ ضمان الرضا

الملفات / الشارة.png

يمكن أن يكون الأطفال صعب الإرضاء في تناول الطعام ، خاصة عندما يجربون تركيبة جديدة. إذا لم تكن أنت أو طفلك راضيا بنسبة 100٪ لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فستتلقى رصيدا في المتجر لوحدة واحدة لتجربة علامة تجارية أخرى. سنساعدك أيضا في العثور على الخيار الصحيح.

معلومات المنتج

هل هذا المنتج مناسب لطفلي؟

Hipp 100% Hafer is specifically designed for:

  • Infants from 5 Months Old: Ideal for babies beginning to eat solid foods, offering a gentle and nutritious introduction with its smooth texture.
  • Growing Toddlers: As toddlers continue to grow and develop, this oat porridge provides essential nutrients that support their energy levels and overall health.
  • Young Children: Suitable for young children as a nutritious breakfast or snack that is both filling and easy to digest.
  • Health-Conscious Families: For parents who prioritize organic and natural ingredients, Hipp 100% Hafer is a trusted choice, free from synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, added sugars, and artificial additives.
  • Children with Dietary Needs: Given its natural and simple composition, it’s also a suitable option for children with certain dietary restrictions, though it’s important for parents of children with specific conditions like gluten sensitivity to verify safety regarding gluten content.

Hipp 100% Hafer is crafted to meet the needs of children at various stages of development, ensuring they receive wholesome nutrition from a very young age.

We know that babies are often picky eaters, so if you find that your baby doesn’t like this product, just let us know and we’ll give you a store credit so you can choose another porridge of HiPP or from another brand.

المكونات والمعلومات الغذائية

Welcome to the Ingredients and Nutritional Value section of Hipp 100% Hafer, where we delve into the pure, wholesome goodness packed into every spoonful of this oat porridge. Hipp believes in providing your little ones with the best start in life, which is why this Hafer porridge is made exclusively with 100% organic oats. These oats are not only free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, but they also offer a rich source of essential nutrients vital for growth and development.

In this section, we'll explore the key ingredients that make Hipp 100% Hafer a nutritional powerhouse. You'll learn about the natural benefits of its organic oats, including their high fiber content, which promotes healthy digestion and sustained energy release, essential for your child’s active days. Additionally, we'll list the vitamins and minerals found in this porridge, important in supporting overall health and development.

Understanding what goes into Hipp 100% Hafer—and why—will help you see the care and commitment that's put into every product, ensuring that your child receives only the most beneficial and safest ingredients. Let’s take a closer look at what makes Hipp 100% Hafer an excellent choice for your family.


Whole oat flour* 100%, vitamin B1.

*from organic production.


Standard preparation: 22 g product + 100 ml whole milk (3.5% fat) + 100 ml water: 155 kcal
كيفية التحضير والتخزين

Flexible Options for Making Cereal Porridge:

Milk Formula Preparation
For a milk-based version, start by boiling fresh drinking water and letting it cool to about 50°C. Prepare around 200ml of milk formula with this water. In a plate, place 3-4 tablespoons of porridge, pour in the milk formula, and mix well. Allow the porridge to absorb the liquid until it reaches your preferred consistency, then ensure it’s at a safe temperature before serving.


Half-Milk Porridge Preparation
To make half-milk porridge, combine 100ml of whole milk and 100ml of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once boiled, cool the mixture to approximately 50°C. Add 3-4 tablespoons of porridge to a plate and pour in the cooled liquid, stirring well. Let it sit until it achieves the desired consistency, then check the temperature before eating.


Dairy-Free Cereal-Fruit Porridge Preparation
For a dairy-free version, boil 100ml of water and allow it to cool to about 50°C. Place 2 tablespoons of porridge in a plate, add the cooled water, and stir. Incorporate around 100g of your chosen fruit or, optionally, vegetables, and a teaspoon of organic rapeseed oil. Allow the porridge to thicken to the desired texture, and finally, verify the temperature is safe for consumption.


إرشادات العناية: 

  • يشار إلى تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية على كل صندوق وكيس مختوم
  • يحفظ بعيدا عن الحرارة والرطوبة
  • Once bag is open, use in the next 3 weeks
  • Porridge is best when stored in stainless steel or glass containers
  • Always prepare fresh food for your baby. Do not use leftovers
  • To avoid the danger of overheating, do not heat your baby’s porridge in the microwave
عن هيب
الشيء الوحيد الذي يأخذه HiPP على محمل الجد مثل صحة طفلك هو صحة الكوكب. لأكثر من قرن من الزمان ، قادت HiPP الطريق في معايير الجودة العضوية الأوروبية وممارسات الزراعة المستدامة. يبدأ كل شيء بالأبقار التي تتغذى على العشب والمراعي وينتهي بتركيبة بروبيوتيك صحية للأمعاء مصنوعة من الحليب الخالي من الدسم العضوي.
  • تأسست في ألمانيا عام 1899
  • ممارسات صديقة للبيئة لمدة 100+ سنوات
  • معايير أوروبية صارمة
  • مصانع محايدة للكربون
  • يتم إعادة تدوير 97٪ من نفايات المصانع

  • HiPP GmbH وشركاه Vertrieb KG
    D-85273 بفافنهوفن, ألمانيا

    أسئلة مكررة

    Who is HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats best for?

    Hipp Porridge Cereal 100% Oats is best suited for:

    1. Infants from 5 Months Onwards: Ideal for babies starting on solid foods, offering a smooth and gentle introduction to solid nutrition.
    2. Growing Toddlers: Supports toddlers with essential nutrients and sustained energy as they continue to grow and explore.

    3. Young Children: A nutritious breakfast or snack option that is easy to digest and keeps them full and focused.

    4. Health-Conscious Parents: Perfect for parents who prioritize organic, natural ingredients free from synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and artificial additives.

    5. Families with Dietary Restrictions: Suitable for children with certain dietary needs, though parents should ensure it meets specific requirements such as gluten sensitivity.


    Hipp Porridge Cereal 100% Oats is crafted to meet the nutritional needs of children at various stages of development, providing a wholesome, safe, and nourishing meal option.

    Is HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats safe?
    Yes, HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats is safe for your baby. Made from pure, organic oats, it has no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, added sugars, or artificial preservatives. Adhering to strict European organic standards, it is non-GMO and free from harmful chemicals. Gentle on young digestive systems, it's suitable for babies from 5 months onward. Produced in Germany with high baby food standards, HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats is a trustworthy and nutritious choice for your baby's diet.
    Does HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats support healthy brain development?

    Yes, HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats can support healthy brain development. Here's why:

    🌱 Rich in Nutrients: Contains essential vitamins and minerals, which are crucial for cognitive development.
    🌾 100% Organic Oats: Provides complex carbohydrates that supply steady energy, important for brain function.
    💪 Supports Overall Health: The fiber content promotes good digestion, which is vital for overall health and nutrient absorption, indirectly supporting brain development.


    While it doesn’t contain specific additives for brain health, its nutrient-rich profile contributes to a balanced diet that supports your child’s overall development, including brain health.

    Is HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats good for sensitive tummies?
    Yes, HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats is good for sensitive tummies. Made from pure, organic oats, it is easy to digest and gentle on the stomach. Free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors, it reduces the risk of irritation or allergies. With natural fiber to support healthy digestion, it is formulated specifically for young children, making it suitable for babies from 5 months onward. This ensures a wholesome, gentle option for infants with sensitive digestive systems.
    Does HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats support stronger immunity?
    HiPP 100% Oats Porridge supports immune health as part of a balanced diet. Rich in essential nutrients like vitamin B, which is important for immune function, it also contains dietary fiber to maintain a healthy gut, crucial for immunity. Free from harmful additives, this porridge aids overall well-being.
    How much porridge is in each package?
    There is 200 gram of dry porridge in each package. The amount of prepared porridge you can make from a 200-gram package of HiPP 100% Oats Porridge depends on the consistency you prefer and how thick or thin you make it. Typically, you might use about 22 grams of dry porridge to prepare a single serving, which means a 200-gram package could yield around 9 servings. If you follow the general guideline of using 3-4 tablespoons of porridge powder per meal, combined with the recommended amount of liquid (usually around 200ml per serving), you should be able to prepare about 9 meals from one package. However, the exact number of servings will vary based on your specific measurements and the appetite of the child.
    Are there any additives or sugars added to HiPP 100% Oats Porridge?
    No, HiPP 100% Oats Porridge contains no additives or added sugars. It is made from pure, organic oats, ensuring a natural and wholesome meal for your baby without any unnecessary ingredients.
    Does HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats contain maltodextrin or corn syrup?
    No, HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats does not contain maltodextrin or corn syrup. It is made from pure, organic oats, ensuring a natural and wholesome product free from these additives.
    Does HiPP Porridge 100% Oats contain soy?
    No, HiPP Porridge 100% Oats does not contain soy. It is made solely from pure, organic oats, ensuring a simple and natural product free from soy and other common allergens.
    Does HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats contain probiotics?

    No, HiPP Porridge Cereal 100% Oats does not contain probiotics. It is made with 100% organic oats and focuses on providing natural, wholesome nutrition without added sugars, artificial additives, or preservatives. The product is designed to offer essential nutrients and fiber from pure organic oats, supporting healthy digestion and growth, but it does not include probiotics in its formulation.

    However, you could prepare the HiPP porridge with HiPP formula that does contain probiotics, so that way the prepared porridge will still contain probiotics for your little one.

    Where is HiPP Porridge made?
    HiPP Porridge, like many of HiPP's baby food products, is primarily made in Germany. HiPP is well-known for its stringent quality control standards and commitment to organic farming practices, both of which are upheld in its German manufacturing processes. The company emphasizes sustainable and environmentally friendly production methods, aligning with its reputation as a producer of high-quality, organic baby foods.

    لست متأكدا من الصيغة التي تطلبها؟

    لا ضغوط. لمساعدتك في اختيار المنتج المناسب لطفلك ، قمنا بتجميع اختبار سريع. يستغرق الأمر 60 ثانية فقط للحصول على توصية فورية بشأن الصيغة المثالية

    شارك في الاختبار

    آراء العملاء

    بناءا على هذا العدد من التقييمات 1
    Sepideh Kamalzare

    HiPP Organic Porridge Cereal 100% Oats - German (200 gr.)