
عملاء سعداء
موثوق به في كندا
منذ عام 2016
وفر ما يصل
إلى 30٪
EU-based &
Certified Organic
6+ أشهر
الملفات / شارة-100_satisfaction.png
100٪ ضمان الرضا

يمكن أن يكون الأطفال صعب الإرضاء في تناول الطعام ، خاصة عندما يجربون تركيبة جديدة. إذا لم تكن أنت أو طفلك راضيا بنسبة 100٪ لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فستتلقى رصيدا في المتجر لوحدة واحدة لتجربة علامة تجارية أخرى. سنساعدك أيضا في العثور على الخيار الصحيح.

Kendamil Creamy Porridge (150 gr.)

from $9.99
حزمة ، اشترك ووفر حتى 30٪
Introducing Kendamil Creamy Porridge, a delicious and nutritious breakfast option perfect for your little one. Made with the finest ingredients, this porridge offers a smooth, creamy texture that babies love while providing essential nutrients to support their growth and development. Suitable for babies 6 months and up, Kendamil Creamy Porridge is designed to give your baby a great start to the day with wholesome goodness in every spoonful.

    🥛 Creamy Goodness: Made with dairy nutrients to support healthy growth.

    🌾 No Added Sugars: Ensuring a naturally tasty and healthy meal.

    👶 Easy to Digest: Gentle on tiny tummies, making it perfect for early weaning stages.

متوفر في المخزون

التوصيل خلال 3-7 أيام عمل - توصيل مجاني ل 4 عبوات وما فوق

الملفات / شارة-100_satisfaction.png
100٪ ضمان الرضا

يمكن أن يكون الأطفال صعب الإرضاء في تناول الطعام ، خاصة عندما يجربون تركيبة جديدة. إذا لم تكن أنت أو طفلك راضيا بنسبة 100٪ لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فستتلقى رصيدا في المتجر لوحدة واحدة لتجربة علامة تجارية أخرى. سنساعدك أيضا في العثور على الخيار الصحيح.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies. If breastfeeding isn't possible, or a top-up is needed, then organic formula is a safe alternative. All our products meet EU standards. It is the responsibility of our customers to check if the products meet the standards of their own local market. When in doubt, consult your pediatrician.

Why Choose Kendamil Creamy Porridge?

Choose Kendamil Creamy Porridge for its vegetarian, soy-free, palm oil-free and non-GMO ingredients, offering a nutritious blend of whole grains ideal for supporting a baby’s growth and digestive health.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Babies can be picky eaters, especially when they’re trying a new porridge. If for any reason you or your little one aren’t 100% satisfied, you’ll receive store credit for two units to try another brand or type.
معتمد وفقا للمعايير الأوروبية
تلتزم بالمعايير الأوروبية الصارمة لإنتاج الغذاء المستدام ، خالية من المحليات المكررة والمبيدات الحشرية والكائنات المعدلة وراثيا.
بدون شراب الذرة أو السكر المضاف
خالية من المحليات المكررة ، بما في ذلك شراب الذرة والسكروز. سيحصل طفلك على السعرات الحرارية التي يحتاجها من سكريات الحليب الطبيعية.
100٪ خالية من الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا
تركيبات غير معدلة وراثيا مصنعة في الاتحاد الأوروبي وفقا لأعلى المعايير العالمية للكائنات المعدلة وراثيا.
خال من الصويا
خالية تماما من المكونات القائمة على فول الصويا. مثالي للخدج والأطفال المعرضين بشكل خاص للحساسية وعدم تحمل الطعام.
خال من مالتوديكسترين
لا يحتوي على أي مالتوديكسترين - نشا مشتق من النباتات يحتوي على نسبة عالية من مؤشر نسبة السكر في الدم. مثالي للآباء والأمهات الذين يهتمون بالمحليات المصنعة.

اشتر المزيد. وفر أكثر.


10 قطعة

$124.90 ($12.49 each)
اشترك ووفر
Get an extra 5% ($6.24) off with a subscription. Cancel anytime.
أفضل قيمة

30 pack

$299.70 ($9.99 each)
اشترك ووفر
Get an extra 5% ($14.98) off with a subscription. Cancel anytime.

اختر الكمية

$74.95 (save $15.00)
اشترك ووفر
Get an extra 5% ($3.74) off with a subscription. Cancel anytime.
يتم استبعاد المرحلة PRE والمرحلة 1 من الأسعار الترويجية أو الخصومات. قد تنخفض الأسعار بسبب الاقتصادات
من الحجم في الوفاء ، والتعامل مع الطرود والتوزيع.

Why Moms and Babies Love Kendamil Creamy Porridge?

    🌿 Palm Oil-Free: Supports environmental efforts by excluding palm oil, reducing the impact on deforestation.
    🥦 Vegetarian Friendly: Suitable for vegetarian diets, free from any meat products.
    🧊 No Added Sugar: Contains naturally occurring sugars and salt only.
    🚫 No Artificial Preservatives: Free from artificial preservatives, promoting a natural diet.

    🌱 Skimmed Milk Base: Utilizes skimmed milk, providing essential nutrients with a lower fat content, ideal for a balanced infant diet.
    🌟 Nutrient-Rich: Enhanced with important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D for healthy bones and iron for brain development.
    📦 Convenient Packaging: Packaged in a user-friendly format that makes preparation quick and easy for busy parents.
    🔄 Supports Local Economy: Made with ingredients sourced from local suppliers, supporting the local economy.
    🌍 Environmental Integrity: Committed to environmentally responsible practices throughout production and packaging.


آراء العملاء

بناءا على هذا العدد من التقييمات 1
Fahad Alsulimani

Kendamil Creamy Porridge (150 gr.)

100٪ ضمان الرضا

الملفات / الشارة.png

يمكن أن يكون الأطفال صعب الإرضاء في تناول الطعام ، خاصة عندما يجربون تركيبة جديدة. إذا لم تكن أنت أو طفلك راضيا بنسبة 100٪ لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فستتلقى رصيدا في المتجر لوحدة واحدة لتجربة علامة تجارية أخرى. سنساعدك أيضا في العثور على الخيار الصحيح.

معلومات المنتج

هل هذا المنتج مناسب لطفلي؟

Kendamil Creamy Porridge is designed for babies from 6 months old. It is typically used as part of a weaning diet to introduce solid foods while still providing necessary nutrients. This type of baby porridge is often rich in vitamins and minerals essential for early development, such as iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and D. It's made to be easy on young digestive systems and offers a smooth texture that's suitable for babies just beginning to eat solids. Always check the packaging for specific age recommendations and dietary information to ensure it's suitable for your child.

We know that babies are often picky eaters, so if you find that your baby doesn’t like this product, just let us know and we’ll give you a store credit so you can choose another porridge of Kendamil or from another brand.

المكونات والمعلومات الغذائية

Kendamil Creamy Porridge is designed to support the nutritional needs of infants, featuring a formulation that emphasizes both health and ethical considerations. This porridge uses skimmed milk which provides essential nutrients which can be particularly beneficial for maintaining a balanced diet for infants. Additionally, the porridge is palm oil-free, reflecting a commitment to environmental sustainability by avoiding an ingredient often linked to deforestation and habitat loss. As a vegetarian product, it fits well with diets that exclude meat, ensuring that it's suitable for families preferring vegetarian options. The use of locally sourced ingredients further emphasizes Kendamil’s dedication to quality and environmental stewardship, making it a nutritious and responsible choice for feeding babies.


Cereals (56%)(Oat flour, Hydrolysed Wheat flour), Skimmed milk powder (25%), Whey powder (milk), Vegetable Rapeseed Oil, Barley malt extract, Minerals (Calcium carbonate, Zinc sulphate, Ferric pyrophosphate), Vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Folic acid, Pantothenic acid, Biotin).



كيفية التحضير والتخزين

This porridge should be included as part of a diverse weaning diet. Each pack contains about 7 servings.


Step 1
Add about 2 tablespoons (20g) of porridge to a bowl. Follow with roughly 4 tablespoons (60ml) of warm (recently boiled) water.


Step 2
Mix thoroughly and let the porridge cool. Always check the temperature before feeding. Adjust the serving size according to your baby's hunger and adjust the consistency by using more or less water as needed.


إرشادات العناية: 

  • يشار إلى تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية على كل صندوق وكيس مختوم
  • يحفظ بعيدا عن الحرارة والرطوبة
  • Once bag is open, use in the next 4 weeks
  • Porridge is best when stored in stainless steel or glass containers
  • Always prepare fresh food for your baby. Do not use leftovers
  • To avoid the danger of overheating, do not heat your baby’s porridge in the microwave
عن قنداميل

تعمل Kendamil باستمرار على رفع معايير الصيغة الخاصة بها ، دون ترك أي مجال للمساومة. إنهم يحصلون على DHA المشتق بشكل مستدام من الطحالب ويحصلون على حليبهم من المزارع العائلية التي تقع في منطقة البحيرة الإنجليزية ذات المناظر الخلابة. تفخر Kendamil بالتزامها بالاستدامة ، حيث تفتخر بأقل بصمة كربونية في صناعة حليب الأطفال ، مدعومة بالكامل بالطاقة المتجددة.

مع أكثر من 60 عاما من الخبرة ، تلتزم عملية تطوير تركيبة Kendamil بالمبدأ الأساسي المتمثل في جعل منتجها "أقرب إلى الطبيعة ، وألطف بأميال". تتم مراقبة عملية التصنيع الخاصة بهم بدقة ، مع التركيز على إمكانية التتبع والاستدامة والإشراف الشامل من البداية إلى النهاية.

ما يميز حليب الأطفال الممتاز من Kendamil هو استخدامه الفريد للحليب كامل الدسم كمصدر طبيعي للدهون ، مما يقلل من الحاجة إلى إضافات مثل زيت النخيل ونواة النخيل والزيوت النباتية.

كندال نوتريكير المحدودة
طريق جسر النعناع
كندال ، كمبريا
LA9 6NL ، إنجلترا

أسئلة مكررة

Who is Kendamil Creamy Porridge best for?
Kendamil Creamy Porridge is best suited for babies from 6 months of age and older who are beginning to transition to solid foods. It's designed to be part of a weaning diet, helping babies adapt from milk exclusively to more diverse foods. The porridge's smooth texture makes it easy for babies to eat and digest, providing them with essential nutrients needed for growth and development, such as vitamins, minerals, and energy in a form that's gentle on their developing digestive systems. It's also a good choice for parents looking for a vegetarian option without palm oil, and it typically includes ingredients like skimmed milk and real fruit, catering to those who prefer natural flavorings and nutrient sources.
Is Kendamil Creamy Porridge safe?

Yes, Kendamil Creamy Porridge is considered safe for babies, as it is specifically formulated to meet the dietary needs of infants starting from 6 months old. Products like Kendamil are developed in compliance with strict food safety standards and regulations to ensure they are safe and nutritious for infant consumption. The ingredients used are carefully selected and tested, and the product is manufactured in facilities that adhere to good manufacturing practices.

Additionally, Kendamil Creamy Porridge does not contain palm oil, and it's vegetarian-friendly, catering to specific dietary preferences and needs. As always, it's important to follow the preparation instructions on the packaging to ensure the food is served safely.

Does Kendamil Creamy Porridge support healthy brain development?

Yes, Kendamil Creamy Porridge is formulated to support healthy brain development in infants. It typically includes key nutrients that are essential for brain growth and cognitive function. For instance, iron, which is commonly found in infant porridges like Kendamil, plays a crucial role in brain development and is vital for cognitive and neurological functions. Additionally, the inclusion of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin D and calcium, also contributes to overall health, which is important for brain development.

Furthermore, the presence of carbohydrates, like those from grains used in the porridge, provides energy that is necessary for brain function and development. While specific details like the presence of omega fatty acids, which are directly linked to brain health, are not typically emphasized in Kendamil Creamy Porridge's marketing, the overall nutritional profile supports general growth, including that of the brain. Always ensure that the dietary choices for your infant are varied and balanced to promote optimal development, and consult with healthcare providers for tailored advice.

Is Kendamil Creamy Porridge good for sensitive tummies?

Kendamil Creamy Porridge is generally designed to be gentle on young digestive systems, making it suitable for babies from 6 months and up, including those with sensitive tummies. It's crafted with easy-to-digest ingredient which can be easier on a baby’s stomach compared to more complex or heavily processed foods.

However, every baby is different, and some may have specific sensitivities or allergies. For infants with particularly sensitive stomachs or specific dietary needs (like allergies to dairy), it’s always best to consult with a pediatrician before introducing any new food. This will help ensure that any new addition to your baby’s diet, like Kendamil Creamy Porridge, is safe and appropriate for their individual health requirements.

Does Kendamil Creamy Porridge support stronger immunity?

Kendamil Creamy Porridge can contribute to supporting a stronger immune system in infants as part of a balanced diet. The porridge includes essential nutrients that are vital for overall health and immune function. For instance:

🛡️ Iron: An important mineral in Kendamil Creamy Porridge, iron plays a crucial role in the proper function of the immune system.
🌞 Vitamins: It typically contains vitamins such as Vitamin D and C, both known for their role in supporting immune health. Vitamin D is especially important for enhancing the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages — white blood cells that are crucial parts of your immune defense — and decreases inflammation.


While the porridge provides nutrients that are part of a healthy diet contributing to immune support, it should be one component of a diverse intake of foods as babies transition to solids. Feeding infants a variety of nutritious foods will help ensure they receive a range of nutrients needed for a strong immune system. As always, for specific health concerns or dietary advice, consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended.

How much porridge is in each package?
There is 150 gram of dry porridge in each package of Kendamil Creamy Porridge. The amount of prepared porridge you can make from a 150-gram package of Kendamil Creamy Porridge depends on the consistency you prefer and how thick or thin you make it. Typically, you would use about 20 grams of dry porridge to prepare a single serving, which means a 150-gram package could yield around 7 servings. However, the exact number of servings will vary based on your specific measurements and the appetite of the child.
Are there any additives or sugars added to Kendamil Creamy Porridge?

No, there are no additives or sugars added to Kendamil Creamy Porridge. The product is known for its natural formulation, and does not include any artificial additives or preservatives. As for sugars, Kendamil Creamy Porridge contains naturally occurring sugars from the ingredients like milk but does not include added sugars. This makes it a healthier option for infants, aligning with recommendations to limit added sugars in young children's diets.

Does Kendamil Creamy Porridge contain maltodextrin or corn syrup?

No, Kendamil Creamy Porridge does not contain maltodextrin or corn syrup. Kendamil's products are known for not using such additives or artificial ingredients, focusing instead on more natural and straightforward formulations. Their approach includes avoiding unnecessary sugars or fillers like corn syrup, which is consistent with their branding as a natural option for infant nutrition.

Does Kendamil Creamy Porridge contain soy?

No, Kendamil Creamy Porridge does not list soy among its ingredients. Kendamil products are often formulated to be free from common allergens like soy to make them suitable for a wider range of dietary needs and to minimize the risk of allergic reactions in infants.

Does Kendamil Creamy Porridge contain probiotics?
No, Kendamil Creamy Porridge does not contain probiotics. It is made with natural ingredients and focuses on providing natural, wholesome nutrition without added sugars, artificial additives, or preservatives. The product is designed to offer essential nutrients and fiber from pure oats and wheats supporting healthy digestion and growth.
Where is Kendamil porridge made?
Kendamil Porridge, like many of Kendamil's baby food products, is primarily made in the United Kingdom. Kendamil prides itself on sourcing ingredients locally and manufacturing its products within the UK. This approach is part of their commitment to supporting the local economy and ensuring high standards of quality and sustainability in their production processes.

لست متأكدا من الصيغة التي تطلبها؟

لا ضغوط. لمساعدتك في اختيار المنتج المناسب لطفلك ، قمنا بتجميع اختبار سريع. يستغرق الأمر 60 ثانية فقط للحصول على توصية فورية بشأن الصيغة المثالية

شارك في الاختبار

آراء العملاء

بناءا على هذا العدد من التقييمات 1
Fahad Alsulimani

Kendamil Creamy Porridge (150 gr.)