Dealing with a constipated infant can be miserable for both parent and baby. When your baby is constipated and can’t move his bowels he will likely be extra fussy and uncomfortable, straining often, with little relief. Some parents find that regular formula adds to their baby’s constipation issues. This is usually due to one of three things, a milk sensitivity; swelling in the intestines due additives in the formula, or an allergy to an ingredient; or a gut flora imbalance. Thankfully, the Hipp company has developed two formula products that relieve constipation.
Hipp Comfort
Hipp Comfort is specially formulated to address constipation and upset stomach. It has several ingredients which sooth an irritated gut and promote healthy bowel movements.
Reduced Lactose
If your baby is sensitive to lactose, or milk sugar, his intestines may swell and become irritated with regular exposure. While this reaction is rare, as breastmilk contains lactose, lactose intolerance is possible in some infants. The gut inflammation this causes leads to constipation. Parents often find that a sensitive baby reacts well to Hipp Comfort’s decreased lactose content.
Most sensitivities to cow milk are caused by trouble digesting the large casein and lactalbumin proteins it contains. As with lactose, an intolerance to milk proteins can also cause inflammation and indigestion, which lead to constipation. The milk proteins in Hipp Comfot have been broken down, so that they are easily digested and less irritating.
Babies can also have difficulty breaking down large globules of fat. Cow milk fat forms larger globules in the stomach which can cause trouble in digestion. Hipp Comfort contains evenly distributed and easily digested fats, to help reduce this problem.
One of the best ingredients in Hipp Comfort are the galacto-oligosaccarides, or GOS. GOS, which are also found in breastmilk, are a prebiotic fiber that help maintain good gut flora and soften bowl movements. GOS is very comforting to the gut and helps get things moving.
Probiotic Cultures
At the root of most stomach upset is an imbalance in gut flora. Restoring proper probiotic colonies in the gut helps to heal the gut; promotes proper digestion; and adds to healthy immunity. Hipp Comfort contains lactobacillus cultures to aid in healthy gut flora.
With its soothing and easily digestible ingredients, Hipp Comfort balances out your baby’s gut and bring back regular bowel movements. It is the ideal formula for your constipated baby.
Hipp Bio Combiotik
If your baby doesn’t seem to be as sensitive to cow milk, but suffers from regular or occasional constipation, Hipp Bio Combiotik is another option. Hipp Bio Combiotik is a smooth and easy to digest formula, which contains both GOS and probiotic cultures. If your baby has a gut imbalance, these two ingredients will help balance him back out. Most parents find that their child has softer, looser bowel movements while using Hipp Bio Combiotik, making it a good second choice for the constipated baby.
To learn more about Hipp Bio Combiotik click here.
If your baby is constipated, don’t jump straight into using laxatives and prune juice, turn instead to Hipp Comfort or Hipp Bio Combiotik. Help your baby’s stomach balance out naturally!