When you are looking for a healthy infant formula, there are several benefits to choosing a goat milk formula. Though goat milk is similar to cow milk, there are a few key differences that make goat milk formula a great choice, especially if your baby is sensitive to cow milk.
Differences between the Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates of Cow and Goat Milk
-Protein: Cow milk formulas contain the milk proteins casein and lactalbumin. Many infants who have a cow milk allergy or sensitivity are reacting to these proteins. Infants often have trouble digesting casein and lactalbumin. When this happens, their bodies see the proteins as invaders and attack them. This causes inflammation in the gut, diarrhea or constipation, gas and acid reflux. Though not everyone has these problems, infants seem to be particularly susceptible to them.
Goat milk also contains casein and lactalbumin; however, in smaller quantities. The casein and lactalbumin in goat milk also differs structurally from that found in cow milk. When the proteins in goat milk react with stomach acid, they form smaller curds than cow milk. The smaller amount and structural differences of goat milk proteins make them more easily digested. Because of this, babies who are sensitive to cow milk can often tolerate and thrive on goat milk formulas.
-Fats: Babies can sometimes be sensitive to the fats in their formula. This sensitivity can cause acid reflux. Fats are, however, very important for good brain development and a healthy endocrine system in babies, toddlers and children. Both cow and goat milks offer these important fats. Though there are few differences between the fat types and contents of goat and cow milks, the fats in goat milk are more evenly distributed and form a smaller size globule. This seems to cause less acid reflux in sensitive individuals.
-Carbohydrates: As has been discussed in previous articles, lactose is the main carbohydrate in human and animal milks, including goat milk. Lactose is the best form of carbohydrate for healthy development in most infants. Now and again a baby may be lactose intolerant; however, this is rare. They are more likely to be sensitive to cow milk proteins than lactose. Though goat milk is comparable to cow milk, some studies indicate that goat milk may contain slightly less lactose than cow milk, making is less likely to offend a sensitive baby.
These differences in protein, fat and carbohydrates make goats milk formulas an ideal substitute for traditional cow milk formulas. Many parents have found that their baby, who is sensitive to cow milk formulas, thrives on goat milk formulas.
A good, grass fed, organic goat milk formula can sometimes be hard to find in the United States. It can be tempting to make your own; however, there are many possible health risks involved in attempting to do so. Thankfully, there are a few countries in Europe who produce wonderful goat milk formulas. The best one we can recommend is Holle. Holle goat milk formulas are high quality, all natural and organic. The Holle company is committed to bringing you a healthy, nutritious formula. Whether your baby is sensitive to cow milk, or you simply like the easy way goat milk is digested, Holle goat milk formula has everything your baby needs to thrive.