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How Much Formula is in Each Package?

Who do you know how much formula you need to order? Check out the table below. 

When you make organic baby formula, you can always eyeball the container to see how much is left and when you need to purchase more. But what if you are used to one type of formula and then change to a different brand or stage? That is not the only change you may experience. As your baby grows, so will the number of ounces your baby will need in each feeding.

Why is the Amount of Formula Used For Each Package Different? 

Hipp, Holle, and Lebenswert formulas all come in sachets of powdered milk formula. In some cases, the package size is different. For example, Hipp Bio comes in 600g packages, but Hipp NL arrives in 900g tins. For that reason, you will get more bottles out of the NL containers than the Bio. Another difference is in the scoops. You may not notice on sight that Holle Cow and Goat formulas Stage 1 are 4.4g scoops while the rest of Holle Cow stages is 4.7g whereas Goat Stage 2 is 4.5g and Stage 3 is 4.4g. Sometimes the difference is minimal while other comparisons are noticeable.

Most importantly, remember to not use a scoop from a different brand or stage with your current formula package. It is necessary to use the right scoop every time so that the balance of nutrients and water is right every time. If it is temporary, such as one feeding, it should not have any major consequences.

Examples of Scoop Sizes for Hipp Bio

  • Hipp Bio PRE – 4.3 g
  • Hipp Bio Stage 1 – 4.6 g
  • Hipp Bio Stage 2 – 4.7 g
  • Hipp Bio Stage 3 – 4.7 g
  • Hipp Bio 12+ - 4.6 g

The Number of Bottles in Each Package of Organic Baby Formula Available at MyOrganicFormula

If you want to crunch the numbers, the following table is an updated version of all of the brands and stages of organic baby formula you will find on this website. You can compare package sizes, scoop sizes, as well as the number of bottles made if you only use that amount for every feeding.

Here is an example: your newborn baby weighs six pounds. Your pediatrician will recommend 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight each day. This means that your baby will need about 15 ounces of formula within a 24-hour period.

According to the chart below, if your baby is taking 3-ounce bottles six times a day, you will be able to use up a package of Hipp Bio PRE in about a week. Keep in mind that your baby will gain about two pounds each month for the next six months until they are double their birth weight. You will find that you will go through more formula month by month. Of course if you are only using formula as a supplement to breastfeeding, it will last even longer.

Formula Package Size Scoop Size 3 oz bottles 4 oz bottles 5 oz bottles 6 oz bottles 7 oz bottles
Hipp Bio PRE 600 g 4.3 g 46.5 35 30 23


Hipp Bio 1 600 g 4.6 g 43.5 32.5 26 22 18.5
Hipp Bio 2 600 g 4.7 g 42.5 32 25.5 21 18
Hipp Bio 3 600 g 4.7 g 42.5 32 25.5 21 18
Hipp Bio 12+ 600 g 4.6 g 43.5 32.5 26 22 18.5
Hipp HA PRE 500 g 4.3 g 39 29 23 19 16.5
Hipp HA 1 500 g 4.6 g 36 27 22 18 15.5
Hipp HA 2 500 g 4.7 g 35.5 26.5 21 18 15
Hipp Comfort 500 g 4.4 g 38 28.5 23 19 16
Hipp AR 500 g 4.4 g 38 28.5 23 19 16
UK Hipp Comb 1 800 g 4.5 g 59 44.5 35.5 29.5 25
UK Hipp Comb 2 800 g 4.7 g 57 42.5 34 28 24
UK Hipp Comb 3 600 g 4.7 g 42.5 32 25.5 21 18
NL Hipp Comb 1 900 g 4.7 g 64 48 38 32 27
NL Hipp Comb 2 900 g 4.7 g 64 48 38 32 27
NL Hipp Comb 3 900 g 4.6 g 65 49 39 32.5 28
Holle Cow PRE 400 g 4.5 g 29.5 22 18 15 12.5
Holle Cow 1 400 g 4.4 g 30 23 18 15 13
Holle Cow 2 600 g 4.7 g 42.5 32 25.5 21 18
Holle Cow 3 600 g 4.7 g 42.5 32 25.5 21 18
Holle Cow 4 600 g 4.7 g 42.5 32 25.5 21 18
Holle Goat 1 400 g 4.4 g 30 23 18 15 13
Holle Goat 2 400 g  4.5 g 29.5 22 18 15 12.5
Holle Goat 3 400 g 4.4 g 30 23 18 15 12.5
Lebenswert 1 500 g 4.6 g 36 27 22 18 15.5
Lebenswert 2 500 4.8 g 35 26 21 17 15
Lebenswert 3 475 g 4.8 g 33 25 20 16.5 14


If you want to view the chart on how many bottles your baby will need for the first year, click on this link.

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