When it comes to formula for constipation, you really feel for your little one. They are grunting and pushing, but they cannot move their bowels the way they feel they need to. There can be a number of reasons why they are constipated as well as a number of tips you can try. If you are not already feeding your baby Holle organic baby formula, it may be part of the solution.
What is Normal for a Baby's Bowel Movement?
If your baby is exclusively breastfed, their poop is more liquidy and seedy. This is true even when they are a few months old. Each baby is different, so you will be the most familiar with their diaper schedule. Your breastfed baby may poop once a week or every day. Breastfed babies are less likely to be constipated.
If your baby is formula-fed, they are more likely to poop every other day, but it can also be a few times a day. This pattern will change as solids are introduced, then it is more likely once a day. It is generally more pasty and the consistency of peanut butter.
How Do You Know Your Baby is Constipated?
- Displaying signs of discomfort
- Less frequent bowel movements
- Poop is hard, clay-like, and shaped like pebbles
What Can Cause Constipation?
Constipation in babies can occur when there is not enough liquid in their diet. For breastfed babies, this is typically not a problem. As for formula-fed babies, their poop is more firm, which makes them more likely to deal with constipation. Since breast milk and formula are the only ways that babies stay hydrated, it is important that they get the recommended amount each day. Liquids soften stools which makes it easier to go.
Another culprit of constipation is a milk protein allergy. This issue can affect both breastfed and formula-fed babies. While a mother can reduce her dairy intake, she also needs to be careful with soy products because her baby can also be allergic to the protein in soy.
The lack of fiber can make it more difficult to poop. This can be caused by the transition from exclusive breastfeeding or formula-feeding to solid foods. The first food that your baby usually starts with is rice cereal. Rice is not high in fiber, so it is important to continue breast milk or formula. As you continue to introduce new foods, be sure to only try one food for three days. Then you can see what kind of impact it may do to your baby's digestive system and bowel movements.
How Does Holle Baby Formula Help with Constipation?
Holle baby formula is made with ingredients that are Demeter-quality. That means that they are grown according to the highest standards of organic agriculture. There are no additives or preservatives, and the milk is of the highest quality. It is also gentle on your baby's developing digestive system.
Sometimes a baby is dealing with constipation because of a swelling in the intestines due to the additives that can be found in conventional formula. While they may be naturally derived, their processing can lead to inflammation or discomfort. Holle is pure, simple, and made from 99% organically grown ingredients.
Lactose is naturally found in breast milk and some baby formulas. In some cases, however, lactose can cause inflammation in the intestines and result in constipation. Holle Stages 1 through 3 contain organic maltodextrin instead of lactose.
When a milk protein is an issue, Holle formula also comes in Goat Milk. This type of formula has the same nutrients as cow's milk, but the proteins are naturally smaller and easier for your baby to digest. Easier digestion means that it creates less reactions in the body and reduces the chance of constipation.
If your baby is still dealing with constipation after your changes to diet, you should consult with your pediatrician.