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Keeping Organic Baby Formula Fresh


Just like your own food, your baby's organic formula is an investment. Take care of it in order to maintain its freshness.

It doesn't matter how much you pay for it. You buy food so that you can consume it and nourish your body with the vitamins, minerals, and all of the components that make your body function properly. The same is true for baby formula. Whether you purchase organic baby formula to supplement breastfeeding or to feed your baby exclusively, the last thing you want to do it store it in a way that will make it go bad faster.

Storing Organic Baby Formula

Always follow the directions on the package. However, the instructions are essentially the same no matter which brand you choose. Check the expiration date on the package and be sure to rotate your stock by using the oldest container first. Note: Europe write dates as DAY-MONTH-YEAR, not MONTH-DATE-YEAR. If your product says 8.10.20, then your product expires on October 8, 2020, not August 10, 2020.


 European baby formulas are sealed in a sachet and then packed in a box. This is one way that the company reduces packaging. Sanitary conditions are important because the powdered formula is more exposed to contamination after it is opened. Once formula is opened, it has about a one month shelf life. Be sure to close the sachet after removing as much air as possible.

Are you having problems leveling off the powder or just watching it fall into the box? You could transfer the powder to containers such as dispensers or air-tight storage containers, however you have to be certain that it is sanitized and dry. You want to make sure that it will not harbor bacteria or compromise the integrity of the powder.


Where you store your organic baby formula is also critical. Powdered formula must always be stored in a cool, dry place. Next to your warm oven will not work neither will next to your dishwasher. Locate a place where you can store everything you need so that you can mix your baby's formula quickly and efficiently.

Never store unmixed powder in the refrigerator or the freezer as the humidity in them will cause clumping. This is an issue because you cannot be certain if you have the correct ratio of powder to water that your baby needs. The balance ensures that your baby gets all of the nutrition they need - no more, no less.

Preparing Organic Baby Formula

Once you have prepared your baby's formula, you can serve it right away. Once they have finished all that they want to drink, throw out the remaining formula. It cannot be saved for another time. Bacteria can form in the bottle or the formula and make your baby sick.

A great time saver is pre-mixing baby formula. When you mix baby formula powder and water, you can store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. If your baby is drinking 28 ounces of formula a day, make 28 ounces and warm it up when it is feeding time. Once the 24-hour period has expired, throw out the rest of the formula and start again. Never freeze pre-mixed formula. There can be separation in the formula and it compromises the product. 

Making Sure You Have Enough Organic Baby Formula

You want to make sure that you have enough baby formula to last you a while, but you have a lot of factors to consider such as storage space and how much your baby eats. Smaller babies do not go through formula as quickly as bigger, older babies. Not only that, but organic baby formula does not have preservatives, so you may find that it has a shorter shelf life than conventional baby formula. Buying in bulk is a great option. As much as you want to stockpile, you don't want to have so much that your baby becomes a toddler and only eats table foods.

At My Organic Formula, you can become a subscriber and be in control in how much formula is shipped and how often. Even better, you can save 10% on every order. Your discounts help you get the freshest organic baby formula without sacrificing space in your cabinets or drawers. You can find out more about setting up a subscription at

Edited and reposted from February 2019

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