When you get your package of Holle formula, it will be in German. What do these words mean?
Holle is a product of Germany, therefore the labels will also be in German. Labeling is one of the major reasons why the FDA does not approve the sale of this product on store shelves. However, you can still find all of the stages of Holle and Holle goat milk formulas through reputable organic baby formula retailers like MyOrganicFormula.
Most of the box is already translated for you on the website. When you click on the product of choice, you will find ingredients, allergen declarations, serving and mixing instructions, and so much more. Ready to make a connection between individual words on the packaging? Let this lesson be helpful when you are looking at a box and your translation program is not close at hand.
German Words on the Holle Packages
Bio | organic |
Anfangsmilch | first milk |
Anfangsmilch auf Ziegenmilchbasis | first milk made from goat's milk |
Folgemilch | follow on milk |
Zum Zufüttern geeignet | suitable for feeding |
Zur alleinigen Flaschenernährung | for exclusive bottle feeding |
Nur Laktose enthalten | contains only lactose |
Mit Demeter-Milch aus Süddeutschland | with Demeter milk from southern Germany |
Wichtig: Stillen ist das Beste für ihr Baby | Important: Breastfeeding is the best for your baby |
Ungesüßt | unsweetened |
einfache Zubereitung | easy to prepare |
von Geburt an | from birth on |
nach dem 6. Monat | after 6 months old |
ab dem 10. Monat | from 10 months old |
ab dem 12. Monat | from 12 months old |
Nachhaltig von Anfang an | sustainable, right from the start |
Reposted from 2018