The baby formula you pick for your little one can make a difference in their comfort. Which organic formula is good for sensitive stomachs?
Your baby has so many milestones to reach in the first year. You can watch as their hair grows, their teeth come in, and even their first smile. One of the developmental milestones you may not see is inside your child. All of your baby’s systems are getting use to the work that comes with growing up, especially the digestive system.
When your baby was born, their bodies had to figure out how to take in nutrients. For some babies, spit up is a common occurrence because the muscle between the esophagus and stomach does not close up completely. Other babies react to milk proteins and need something easier to digest. When you want a natural formula without any additives that are not in tune with your baby’s body, organic baby formula may be able to meet those needs.
Hipp Organic Baby Formula for Sensitive Stomachs
All of Hipp’s baby formulas have something that is not seen in most baby formulas. Its combiotic system is a combination of prebiotics and probiotics that promote gut health. Babies are born without the good bacteria in their gut, so they get it from breast milk or formula. Hipp Combiotic formulas supplement with probiotics as well as the food they need to thrive, which are the prebiotics. As a high-quality organic baby formula, Hipp uses galacto-oligosaccharides fibers that are found in lactose.
Hipp also has a hypoallergenic formula for babies that are allergic to cow milk. It still contains milk, but the proteins are broken down even smaller so that it is easier to digest and does not cause reactions such as stomach aches, gas, and diarrhea. Hipp HA comes in PRE stage without starch and Stage 1 with starch for a more satisfying feed.
Hipp Special Comfort combines the best of the brand’s combiotic components and the smaller milk proteins with the hypoallergenic formula. It also has a stool softener for those who have very sensitive stomachs and may have a lot of constipation. The beta-palmitate, which is also found in breast milk, helps in the metabolism of digested fats. Studies also show that beta-palmitate benefit a baby’s gut health by increasing the probiotics that occur in it.
Holle Organic Baby Formula for Sensitive Stomachs
Holle baby formula meets the high standards of European baby formulas because it must meet the criteria for Demeter certification. All of their formula is 99% organic with a focus on the balance through their farming practices. There are no additives or synthetic ingredients that will adversely interact with your baby’s sensitive stomach.
If milk protein is causing a reaction in your baby, Holle’s Goat Milk formula naturally has smaller proteins and less casein compared to cow milk. Because of the size of the different components in goat milk formula, it may be easier to digest for babies with sensitive stomachs.