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Organic Baby Formula

  When you think about sugar in your baby’s bottle, it may not exactly be what you had in mind. A mental picture of sugar is probably white crystals full of sweetness that makes desserts delicious and treats terrific.  It also reminds people of health risks like obesity and diabetes.  You wouldn’...
Can Baby Formula Cause Constipation?

Can Baby Formula Cause Constipation?

    Constipation is uncomfortable for any baby. Can it be caused by the formula your baby drinks? Constipation is troublesome for anyone, it is more difficult to see your baby uncomfortable because of less frequent bowel movements or hard, dry stools. There are some concerns that baby formula can...
    Refrigeration is key to preserving and extending the life of certain foods.  Is that true for baby formula as well? There are many forms of shelf-stable products that are made from dairy.  You can get milks and puddings off the grocery store shelf and keep them there until you are ready to op...
    Hipp organic is one great formula, but has different variations. How is the formula for the United Kingdom different than the one for Germany? Hipp Organic Combiotic formula originates from Germany, but like many products in the European Union, it is labeled for marketing throughout the regio...
  Welcome to parenthood.  It is a time of snuggles and love, but it is also the time when you see 3 a.m. in a completely different way. The moment you bring home your newborn, you know that you are in a whole new world of diapers and feedings.  It is a responsibility, but your baby will make it w...
Baby Formula and Food Allergies

Baby Formula and Food Allergies

  Food allergies may not be common, but they can occur at any age of your child’s life.  Be informed and know how to recognize them in your baby. A food allergy is when the body reacts to a certain type of food.  Today’s nutrition labels make it easy to identify which foods contain or may have be...