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Organic Baby Formula

  A speech delay can impact a child's communication with family members and the public alike. Can baby bottles be the cause? Whether your baby is fed breast milk through a bottle or exclusively on formula, you want to make sure that the bottle you choose does not impact their speech development. ...
Are you concerned about gluten intolerance or celiac disease in your baby? Not all baby formulas are gluten-free. Which ones are? Parents who understand the discomfort of gluten intolerance or celiac disease do not want their little one to have those same issues. Symptom of Celiac Disease or Glut...
    Teething is a milestone that some parents dread. There are some common signs, but not all babies teeth the same. Around the ages of 4-7 months, your baby is going through a transition that can affect how they eat. Teething can be confusing as many of the symptoms can be related to other issue...
If baby food is so good for your little one, is it healthy to be a part of your diet? Baby food is good and wholesome for your little one, especially if it is organically grown. It is typically fruit and/or vegetable puree and water as well as a few more necessary ingredients for consistency and ...
With so many baby formulas on the market, is there a difference in the taste? Can your little one tell a differences? Baby formulas follow the same guidelines, but they can be very different when it comes to taste. Your little one is not born with refined taste buds; they develop over time just l...
In a world in which you feel that you have to do it all at once, do not use any substitution like bottle propping for your baby. What is Bottle Propping? Bottle propping is when a caregiver uses balance and gravity to hold up a bottle to feed the baby. Feeding time is a bonding time between the b...