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Organic Baby Formula

4 Tips to Soothe a Fussy baby

  All babies cry, but excessive fussiness or crying can be caused by a number of controllable factors, such as stomach issues or sleep problems. Oftentimes, simply adjusting to life outside the womb can be the source of fussiness for babies. And, in some cases, colic or reflux can result in an un...
You’re little one is here and unless you plan on never giving your little one a bottle, you’re going to need to stock up on a few feeding items. But, don’t let the variety of bottles, nipples, warmers, and accessories overwhelm you. The team here at My Organic Formula has put together a list of n...
Newborn Constipation Formula Fed - Signs, Symptoms and Causes

Newborn Constipation Formula Fed - Signs, Symptoms and Causes

Constipation is an issue most parents will deal with at some point in their child’s development. What causes constipation to occur and how do you know if your newborn constipation formula fed? Although some babies struggle with constipation more than others, constipation is often the cause of cer...
The holidays are here and many people across the nation will be traveling with their little ones. As any parent of a young child knows, traveling with a little one is not always the easiest. However, a trip with baby doesn’t have to equal disaster and in fact, can be a joyous experience when thou...
New mothers know that the moment that baby comes home, there will be many nights of interrupted sleep.  It is just a way of life.  After a few months, the fatigue and wear on mothers is even more noticeable.  There are many old wives' tales about how to get baby to sleep longer through the night....
Whether you choose to nurse your newborn or start on formula right away, you know that you are providing the best nutrition for your little one.  Mothers who breastfeed are confident about the antibodies, immunity boosters, and wholesome nourishment they provide.  They also cherish that special b...